Oct 31, 2002

A good discussion of PHP versus, JSP, Perl, ColdFusion and others: Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo!

Oct 30, 2002

Something completely different: project-euh !!!
Also, click the icon in the lower right corner to check out neat net statistics from Nedstat

Oct 28, 2002

SeatGURU.com provides layouts of seating on major air carriers' various aircraft models, with useful commentary on best and worst seats.

Oct 27, 2002

Six Degrees - timefreeing technology - This is a cool tool for MS Outlook users who, like me, keep thousands of emails around forever.

Oct 26, 2002

CRM News: CRM's 'Wow' Element

Optical Illusion - I actually printed this and cut it up. Try it!

Cool Clock (javascript)

Oct 24, 2002

Aerosmith at the Mars Music Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, October 19th, 2002

Flash Rubic's Cube

Oct 23, 2002

Noble and Biddle's Notes on Postmodern Programming. These notes have the status of letters written to ourselves: we wrote them down because, without doing so, we found ourselves making up new arguments over and over again. When reading what we had written, we were always too satisfied. For one thing, we felt they suffered from a marked silence as to what postmoderism actually is. Yet, we will not try to define postmodernism, first because a complete description of postmodernism in general would be too large for the paper, but secondly (and more importantly) because an understanding of postmodern programming is precisely what we are working towards. Very few programmers tend to see their (sometimes rather general) difficulties as the core of the subject and as a result there is a widely held consensus as to what programming is really about. If these notes prove to be a source of recognition or to give you the appreciation that we have simply written down what you already know about the programmer's trade, some of our goals will have been reached.


An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.
-- Niels Bohr

Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.
-- Barry LePatner

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
-- Douglas Adams